Our Practice Focus Areas

Building Healthy, High Performing Organizations

The work environment has changed, driven by workforce generational impacts, pandemic-driven changes, and the constant state of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA) we now live in.

Many organizations are currently overwhelmed, with too much to do and insufficient resources to accomplish everything, leading to a sense of helplessness.

Fundamentally, too many organizations are not "healthy," with disengaged employees and stressed-out leaders.

We provide trainings, workshops, and team coaching to help create healthy, high-performing organiztions that innovate, are effective, and can thrive in a VUCA world.

Executive Transition Acceleration & Success Program

We are passionate about helping organizations successfully transition senior executives into their new roles, ensuring that stakeholder expectations are met and employee satisfaction and retention remain high.

Transitions can be challenging even for seasoned executives, and particularly so for those who are newly promoted or new to the organization.

Too many transitioning executives and senior managers simply don't make it through or are not successful in their first year of a new job for a wide variety of reasons.

For Organizations, this represents a significant operational and hard dollar financial risk. We provide a program to mitigate that risk, accelerating transition times and success rates.

Demystifying IT Oversight for Non-IT Leaders

“Always connected” is the new normal for agencies as advances in information technologies and public expectations for service quickly evolve.

New AI tools and products are making this even more challenging. Yet often there is a gap in communication and understanding between IT, agency leadership, department management, and Board/Council governance of technology.

Non-IT executives can strugle with the complexity of the IT industry, yet it is their operations who utilize the technology and pay for it.

We provide trainings, workshops, and Board briefings to close these gaps so that IT investments are maximized, stakholder alighnment is in place, and effective IT oversight is established.

Articles to Inspire, Guide, and Inform


Providing workshops, trainings, and consulting services to help organizations, teams, and executives thrive.

(530) 278-8362

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